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  • Arrested development quotes!

    Wow. We're just blowing through nap time, aren't we. I'm tired of trying to find happiness through lies and self-medicating. If you need me, I'll be at the bar. And although the intervention didn't work, it turned into one of the Bluth family's better parties. Buster's in what we like to call a light to no coma. In layman's terms, it might be considered a very heavy nap. What's gotten into you? Have you been eating cheese? Hahahahah!

    Wow, this is the best free scrapbooking class I've ever taken! ps This one really cracks me up for some reason. Way to plant, Ann! ¡Soy loco por los Cornballs! I'm gonna build me an airport, put my name on it. Why, Michael? So you can fly away from your feelings? I [bleeped] the business model. Yeah, she had all kinds of orgasms.

    Interfere? I ought to pull down your pants and spank your ass raw. Michael: I'm sorry, have we met? I'm gonna go get sexy. Why are you squeezing me with your body? It's a hug, Michael. I'm hugging you.

    But I did finally get into Dad's pants. Although I had to have the crotch taken in a little bit. I should be in this Poof.

    Well, obviously, I'm not a big guy. I'm not a Carl Weathers, par example. I'm sure Egg is a great person. I am getting rid of this thing. It has caused me nothing but pride and self-respect. Never once touched my per diem. I'd go to Craft Service, get some raw veggies, bacon, Cup-A-Soup…baby, I got a stew goin'. I don't want no part of yo' tight-ass country club, ya freak bitch! Look, you are playing adults…with fully formed libidos, not 2 young men playing grab-ass in the shower.

    Buster, what are you doing with mother's rape-horn? There are dozens of us! Dozens! I am getting rid of this thing. It has caused me nothing but pride and self-respect. What do you expect, Mother? I'm half machine! I'm a monster!!

    He's going to be all right. Let me out that Queen. Of course. The "Bob Loblaw Law Blog." Wow. You, sir, are a mouthful! A Colombian cartel that WON'T kidnap and kill you.

    Look, you are playing adults…with fully formed libidos, not 2 young men playing grab-ass in the shower. Well excuse me, Judge Reinhold. This was a big get for God. She calls it a Mayonegg. Michael, you are not quite the ladies man I had pictured. Hopefully, we will remedy that when we are in the spa spreading body chocolate on each other. I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars? Did you know that more frozen bananas are sold right here on this boardwalk than anywhere in the OC?

    She calls it a mayonegg. We have unlimited juice? This party is going to be off the hook.

    You're losing blood, aren't you? Probably, my socks are wet. It looks like you've been looking for dragons… in the future. Happy Franklin Friday. It's ok. You be with Yam. Also, your knee is on my heart. ♪♪ It ain't easy being white. It ain't easy being brown. ♪♪

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