This discussion was created from comments split from: Testing Mr. Bluesky.
This discussion was created from comments split from: Testing Formating For Images.
I'm bolding something. I'm adding hyperlink. Italics?
Here is a picture of Captain America.
Captain Planet is a hero.
Testing 123
It is very nice to meet you today.
Testing multiple images at once!
Hello everyone! Some of you may already be aware that the APIv2 page in the Dashboard is having some difficulties at the moment. This issue is being addressed and we're expecting everything to be back at 100% soon. The problem is around the interface of our APIv2 page (called Swagger) - the API itself is functioning…
BOLD ITALICS STRIKE CODE Paragraph Code Block with stuff in it.
This is an event! Normal Text! Now the text is ITALICS! NOW THE TEXT IS BOLD. NOW THE TEXT HAS A LINE THROUGH IT.